I had a fun trip to Wheatland this week. It wasn’t to muddy where your wheels were stuck thank goodness.
There were thousands of little kids all lined up anxiously waiting to get in.
As soon as we parked there were several little ones plugging their noses saying how it stunk. I told them it was the little piggy's and cows.
The first place I headed to was the food court and has dessert first.
It was yummy.
Then we went to the Piggy races and it wasn’t what I was expecting, it was a granny reading 3 little piggy's which was very cute.
Then it was lunch time and only a few places were open. I found a tri tip sandwich that was a little tuff and luke warm, I was a little disappointed.
Tri Tip Sandwich
The pumpkin selection was interesting.
The train ride was very popular, going by the pumpkin farm and under the tunnel by the pig races.
Of course I had to add this one. I guess I'm partial to it.