Thursday, November 4, 2010


On of the Bus Drivers announced over the 2-way "look at the beautiful sunrise".
I had to rush out and check for myself. She was right, it was beautiful.

It was a beautiful morning this am in the bus yard. How lucky are we to drive and watch the sun rise.
I drive my route in the PM and come down the back roads instead of the freeway. It's so peaceful and quiet rolling threw the windy roads and smelling the trees and fields.

I'm so lucky to have a great job that I can work outside. But once it rains and gets so windy that the bus blows back and forth I might change my mind.

Speaking of beautiful, hubby sent a picture of a Chinese pheasant that he sees at one of the schools he works at on the weekends. He thinks someone let it go or lost it because its pretty tame.
He always looks for it, hoping the coyotes never catch it.

The guys had a great camping trip this week. They went to Camp Far West Lake in Sheridan past Lincoln. They said it was very relaxing and got a lot of fishing in. Hubby was the only one that caught
2 catfish. But everyone had a great time trying. They used chicken liver and shrimp for bait.
They were woke up every morning around 7:00 am by a flock of geese, and every night my son heard rats scuffling around in leaves by his tent. But they didn't care, they had the whole lake to them selves.
Back home to reality to unpack one car and one truck.

Just make sure when your done take a SHOWER,  PLEASE!!!!!
Glad to see them home safe and well.

Even the sunset was beautiful this evening on the way home.
See the rainbow in the middle of the picture?

Need I say "It was a beautiful day today".

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